The Routine
The final day has arrived, signifying the conclusion of one journey and the start of another. Our process of learning and self-reflection persists, showcasing the continuous nature of our personal development. This is not merely about fulfilling the requirements for the ACC+; it encapsulates the profound journey that each one of us is undertaking.
Ego States
You are your values. What you do with them will also determine how you interact with the world. As a Critical Parent, you will want to dominate your values over others. Both as a Nurturing Parent and as an Adapted Child, you will readily compromise your values for the appeasement or approval of others.
Be in the moment. This is the key to being an Adult: being fully present and engaged in our learning and growth.
I was first introduced to the Drama Triangle when on occasion, I was being dragged into a conflict, and I was stubbornly reluctant to get sucked in. I was educated on how I stayed off the dance floor and, for a good reason, in a good manner. I felt, and still believe, that, in essence, all three players in the triangle are victims. Two of them haven’t seen it yet. Today, I couldn’t get Noor Mukaddam out of my mind; he was a helpless Rescuer by nature and, when dealing with her ‘victim’/persecutor, paid the ultimate price. My favorite takeaway was the get-away, the hatch that lies in the Persecutor.
“Sometimes the only way through is the way through” – Syed Fakhir H Shah.
“I am not comfortable with that” – Power Statements, such as this one, are assertive and clear expressions of personal boundaries. They are a way to communicate your needs and limits respectfully and directly without being aggressive or passive. These statements help you assert yourself in various situations and draw clear boundaries.
The Way Ahead
What may come very easy to many (most) is something I have always struggled with Understanding Career Pathways. Perhaps that is why I am where I am. So, I really need to lean in and take notes. Here are the fundamentals I have noted:
- 60 hours of coach-specific training. (If we count all these Reflections submitted.) – Done
- 100 hours of coaching experience (Miles to go before I sleep)
- 10 hours of mentor coaching (It has begun with the Client, more to come with the group sessions +)
- Submission of a recorded coaching session (Only once I HAVE some to go by)
- Pass the ICF Credentialing Exam. (Let’s not dwell on the fact that I have exam-traumas)
The Last Word
This was indeed a refreshing experience. I was glad that my apprehensions, particularly of a trainer, were addressed beyond my expectations. The sessions were conducted professionally and compassionately. There was a lot of material for the mind without missing out on the heart and soul. There were no over-the-top song-and-dance moments, yet we all bonded and had the energy to carry on for 100 hours on those darned chairs. And for someone who doesn’t have a bottom, that would be a testament to the sessions; that would be my ultimate bottom line. I am deeply grateful for this experience and the growth it has brought.