NLP Training Courses in China | NLP Practitioner & Coach Certification
Join Our NLP Practitioner Training Course for NLP Coaching Certification Become Certified NLP Coach
Start Your Practice As Life Coach, Executive Coach, Career Coach, Team Coach or a Business Coach
Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) is an art and science of understanding human behavior and communication patterns. NLP is a powerful tool that can help you bring transformational shifts in your behavior, habits, and mindset. Coach Transformation Academy is a internally accredited coach training institute that offers NLP training courses online to learn NLP training and become an ABNLP and ICF certified NLP Coach in China and anywhere in the world. Our NLP practitioner certification program is accredited by ICF and best choice for working professionals and aspiring coaches who wish to learn NLP coaching and get NLP coaching certification.
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By understanding a range of perspectives, the NLP user gains information. This information is then used to achieve a higher level of excellence in professional and personal life. Whether you’re a manager, coach, or a mental health clinical professional, NLP training can help you build cognitive skills and develop persuasive communication skills.
Coach Transformation Academy is an International Coach Federation (ICF) and the Association for Neuro-Linguistic Programming (ANLP) – approved NLP Practitioner & Coach certification training institute in China. We provide experiential, certified NLP courses. Our NLP practitioner certification program is ICF and ANLP-Approved. We offer NLP courses for working professionals, coaches, and anyone who prefers to take their career and skills to the next level.
If you’re looking for certified NLP training that can help you master NLP skills as well as practice NLP confidently, then the CTA NLP Practitioner & Coach certification course is your pathway to success. Now you can train in NLP in China with CTA!
CTA provides highly engaging and experiential NLP training. Our NLP courses are designed on the adult-based learning principle to help you acquire NLP skills quickly and efficiently. Contact our Course Consultant to get more information on our different levels in NLP courses in China.
CTA NLP training in China is one of the most demanded courses among professionals. Our NLP Practitioner program is a 6-day program, including features like:
- Understanding NLP communication model for coaching
- NLP Circle of Excellence
- NLP Frames & States
- Coaching using NLP
- Learning of basic to Advance Level NLP Techniques
- Application of NLP techniques in the coaching conversation
- Coaching new resourceful beliefs
- Working with self-limiting beliefs
- Language of Persuasion
- Coaching on Values, beliefs, attitude, and behaviors
Who should attend CTA NLP training?
- Sales Professional
- Managers at Work
- Aspiring Coaches
- Coaches
- Marketing Teams
- Leaders
- Human Resources Professionals
- Trainers and Facilitators
Improve your public speaking and negotiation skills. Learn the art of persuasive language. Become a motivator, leader, and influencer. Join the best NLP courses in China with CTA.
To know more about NLP Practitioner Certification Training, click here.
Click here to view our training schedule.
To register for NLP Training Courses in China online, click here.