More than often we have heard our friends, acquaintances, or family members, lamenting about their respective jobs. They talk about how they are not happy doing what they do and despair over losing interest in the work. People also complain about a lack of growth in their profession and resign to change career paths, in the hope of finding their passion, work that they enjoy.
It is a major issue among the younger generation in Singapore, where they often get lost while choosing the right career option for themselves. What if there was a way that you could be of assistance to the ones with a career dilemma? A career coaching certification in Singapore might be that answer.
Being a career coach, you can aid people realizing what career path is best suited for them and motivate them to achieve those goals, by harnessing the potential within.
Role Played by Career Coaches
One of the common misconceptions about career coaches is that they help the candidate find a job, well, that is not the case. The approach of a certified career coach is more solution-oriented towards the clients seeking assistance in choosing the right career. They aid individuals in defining and achieving their aspirations.
Through thought-provoking one to one sessions, career coaches help one to gain confidence, gather insight on his/her likes and dislikes career-wise, provide encouragement, and inspire them to make the best use of their potential to achieve what their aspirations.
There is a fair amount of fear and anxiety attached to the career opting, job searching task. The confidence that one gathers through career coaching sessions helps in battling those fears and remain assertive towards the goal.
Career coaching also involves routine assessment works like conducting personality and aptitude tests, assignments, job analysis, all of which help pinpoint the career path best suited for an individual.
Acquiring Career Coach Certification in Singapore
There is no prerequisite as such to become a certified professional career coach in Singapore, or anywhere else in the world. There are reliable institutes that offer coach training programs. Before taking up such a course online or offline, one needs to ensure that the institute has accreditation from organizations such as ICF, BCC or EMC for the credibility of your certificate.
To become an ICF credentialed career coach, one has to complete certain hours of coach training and mentoring, while being supervised by an experienced coach. Not only that, but they also need to display their proficiency in propagating ICF standards, Code of Ethics, and the core competencies.
Considering the competitive academic and job atmosphere, career coaching can not only be a lucrative career option but also uplifting, considering that you get to encourage and stimulate the future workforce.