ICF Career Coaching Certification Programs in Taiwan | Career Coaching Courses
Join Our Career Coach Training Program to Become a Certified Career Coach
Start Your Practice As Life Coach, Executive Coach, NLP Coach, or a Business Coach
Coach Transformation Academy is an ICF (International Coaching Federation) approved career coach training institute. We are a global leading training institute conducts online career coaching certification course globally. Coach Transformation Academy offers career coaching course to working professionals and aspiring coaches in Taiwan to become a certified professional career coach. As an International level of coaching institute we always suggest all to choose ICF approved coach training institute and undergo only ICF accredited career coaching certification program. ICF is the highest standard body of coaching in the world and give its credentials to coaches globally.
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We conduct this online career coach certification course for working professionals and aspiring coaches of Taiwan, career coaching course is accredited by ICF and approved for 60 hours of coaching training, 10 hours of specialization module and 10 hours of mentor coaching. If you want to get certified as a career coach, you have to undergo 60 hours of career coach training, after you completed coaching training you will go through 10 hours of career coaching specialization module of 5 hours of online face to face training and 5 hours of assignment. In this specialization module, you will master your coaching skills into career coaching skills. After this, you will undergo 10 hours of mentor coaching which is conducted as 7 hours of group mentor coaching and 3 hours of individual mentor coaching as per ICF guidelines. Your coach trainer will provide you a detailed feedback basis on your performance in mentor coaching. This feedback will help you improve and enhance your career coaching skills.
Coach Transformation Academy also offers business builder module which is an optional module and is recommended to aspiring coaching who look forward to become a full time career coach. Business builder module is covered in 10 hours of coaching training which is covered in 5 hours of coaching training and 5 hours of assignment. Business builder module contains business strategies, planning, making coaching presentation for coaching clients, structure of a coaching website and some other tools to start and establish business coaching career successfully.
After meeting all the requirements of ICF, Coach Transformation Academy will award you with the designation of certified professional career coach. Certificate that you will achieve from us is valid to be submitted to ICF to get the credentials. CTA will also be providing you a toolkit that every coaches needs to start career coaching as main profession.
Contact us to learn more about ICF Career Coaching Certification Program.
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Click here to register for Professional Career Coaching Courses Online to Become a Certified Career Coach in Taiwan.