Do you want to know what differentiates professional coaches from mainstream coaches? Successful coaches and coaches with full-fledged careers serve a specific niche. Defining your niche and specialty isn’t just important for crafting the perspective for your ideal clientele, it is also crucial for your financial success as a coach. A coaching niche is more like outlining a target market to attract clients more easily.
Aspiring coaches need to look for inspiration and identify the larger picture as a niche-specific coach. However, it can be challenging at times to accomplish a specific area of expertise. To illuminate your coaching journey and sort your niche as a coach, have a look at these steps that can narrow down your options.
#1 Analyze your coaching journey
Before you start on anything:
- Sit back, relax and let your entire life roll before your eyes.
- Especially try to revisit every aspect of your coach training or coaching journey and be the judge of your own life.
- Go one day, one month, or one year at a time and notice how you have benefitted people and how you can continue to do so.
#2 Define what is definitely not your niche
Eliminate the definite “No’s” from your coaching map to narrow down the niches you like. For example, you are a business coach, but you don’t want to work with teams, so strike off team coaching from your list. This will make your options much more prominent and help you justify why you like your niche.
#3 Make a checklist of what you are passionate about
Scrutinize and make a list of things that you are passionate about. Rethink and reflect on the moments that catch your attention and hold onto that single moment that played a significant part in your growth as a coach.
#4 What is your strength as a coach?
First, you must craft a hub statement that demonstrates who you work with and how you can help them. You must learn more about the competition, research your shortlisted niches, and set aside your strengths. You can also give out some short-term free coaching sessions to gather reviews about which coaching stream has more positive results. Compile all your key learnings and tap into your role as a coach. Ask yourself what your coaching experience taught you and write down everything to spot what you learned best in your coach training. This is your coaching niche.
#5 Naming your niche is as crucial as defining it
Your niche can be life-changing for several individuals. When you leverage a program that tells the tale of your journey, then it can be the inspiration, the turning point in your trainees’ lives. Name your coaching niche depending on what you offer, and you can attract potential clients who would benefit from your teachings.
The bottom line
When you become successful in finding your coaching niche, you will form a network of potential clients. You can also indulge in lots of self-discovery and find out what you love doing. When your profession is about everything you love, you can be more creative, resourceful, and reflective. Instead of sitting for weeks to outline ideas, you can be the home for hundreds of brainstorming ideas. More importantly, your whole journey will be more of an adventurous exploration for you.
If you still need to do some niche-searching to illuminate your genre of interest as a coach, then you can always reach the experts at Coach Transformation Academy. We would be happy to make your coaching journey seamless.