10 years later in life, amid my mid-career, I was totally clueless about the direction in which my goals were traveling. Life was fulfilling but extremely monotonous. Maybe I had reached the saturation for the passion that I cultivated in my initial corporate years.
That’s when I decided to learn and build a new skill that would craft and kindle a passion that I have been missing for years. Even after the day-to-day thrashes in my work-environment, targets, recession, and the expectations, I actually needed something that would challenge me in a completely different way and push me out of my comfort zone.
After debates within the self, after surfing thousands of pages surfing thousands of pages on Quora and all of the internet and discussing with the industry mentors, I landed myself in a reputed coach training Institute. That’s when my story of transformation started.
How it all started?
Born and raised in an environment that has nothing to do with the corporate values, I was introduced to the whole professionalism agenda during my internship days after my grad. As I grew my passion for my profession, it started to scale up like a mountain; a mountain that was filled with bizarre thoughts of totally unrelated elements.
My professional and personal life became a whirlwind that was way too difficult to withstand. This happened because of a lack of mentoring. Targets were missed, profit margins mocked me by taking the form of loss statements, and my whole world came to a topsy turvy state. Most of us think that experience is the ultimate key that can help the survival skills in any industry, but actually, a mentor is the need of the hour.
The real transformation
The initial days of my coaching are still vividly imprinted on my memory. My coach challenged me to keep my intention and goal to be the same- to be attentive and to place the mind and body in the same physical environment. My first attempt was a failure. Even though I was extremely keen to learn and was confident about my pre-acquired knowledge, my coach urged me to “unlearn” things for a while.
Thankfully, I listened to what my coach said and prevented my own thoughts to creep and spoil the sanctity of my coaching space. For this, my coach advised me to practice meditation and think about one thing at a time. The results were marvellous. I became more focused as a person. I realized that I have been so wrong for all these years when I tried to juggle everything single-handed and that too all at a time. The knowledge took me to a deeply grounded sense of acceptance, and I will always take pride in that.
Where I am now!
Becoming an executive and life coach has allowed me to set realistic goals and recreate myself professionally and personally as an individual. I have to understand the primary thrust of any work environment, that is leadership and healing.
The shift in values paved the way towards crafting new holistic approaches, and I have cultured a more open and appreciative attitude towards the universe. There was a day when I found myself in the middle of nothing and then there is today. Thanks to my experience at my Coach Transformation Academy, after which there was no turning back.