ICF Accredited Coach Training Programs Online in Malaysia | ICF Malaysia
Join ICF Accredited Coaching Programs Online to Become an ICF Certified Coach
Start Your Practice As Life Coach, Executive Coach, Career Coach or a Business Coach
Coach Transformation Academy (CTA) conducts a professional coach training program in Malaysia. The ICF accredited coach training programs are the most demanded in Malaysia. If you are a working professional or an aspiring coach and you want to start your career in coaching, look forward to it, and take it as your main profession, Congratulations! You have landed on the right page to start turning your dream of becoming an ICF certified professional coach into reality. The ICF coach training programs are professional certification courses approved by the ICF for 60 hours and 125 hours of coaching training. We conduct these ICF certification training programs in Malaysia as 6 days of classroom training (to complete 60 hours) and 10 days of classroom training (to complete 125 hours). The whole course takes 3 to 12 months to get completed. You can earn your ACC (Associate Certified Coach) & PCC (Professional Coach Certification) level credentials from ICF by completing this professional coach training course from Coach Transformation Academy. As globally recognized coach training institute we offer ICF accredited coaching programs for aspiring coaches to become an ICF certified coach in Malaysia.
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Certified Professional Coach (Level 1)
Coach Transformation Academy welcomes everyone who wants to become a professional coach in Malaysia. As an ICF approved coaching certification training institute, we offer this course as 60 hours of coaching training. This course is accredited by the ICF (International Coaching Federation) for 60 hours of coaching training, which means you can also count these many hours in your further advanced level of ICF Coaching. After you complete the 60 coach-specific hours of coaching training over 3 months, coaches will undergo 10 hours of mentor coaching, which includes 7 hours of group mentor coaching and 3 hours of individual mentor coaching, to meet the criteria of the ICF. Later on, Coach Transformation Academy will conduct a final performance evaluation test to ensure the effectiveness of the coaching learning imparted in the certification training programs and that coaches are ready to get the credentials of an Associate Certified Coach (ACC). Coaches will be awarded with the international coaching certificate of a professional coach, and then they can submit this certificate to ICF to get the ACC (Level 1) credentials from ICF.
Coach Transformation Academy makes sure that coaches undergo in-depth coach training throughout our ICF approved coach training program. Our ICF coaching certification program is a blend of learning coaching applications and coaching tools through multiple coaching group engagements.
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Senior Certified Professional Coach (Advanced Level 2)
Coach Transformation Academy is an ICF accredited coaching certification training institute in Malaysia, and as an approved coaching training institute, Coach Transformation Academy (CTA) offers this advanced professional coaching certification training program to coaches who wish to take their coaching career and skills to the next level and welcomes those who want to start their career in coaching. We cover this course in 125 hours of coaching training for those who have not completed level 1 (the CPC Program). If you are new to coaching, you have to undergo the complete course. Otherwise, if you have completed 60 hours of coach-specific training or possess the ACC credential, this SCPC Course will be for 65 hours. This Level 2 course will prepare you for the credentials of the ICF PCC (Professional Certified Coach) levels.
This coaching certification training course is 125 hours of coach-specific training for working professionals or coaches who wish to start their professional coaching career in Malaysia. This course takes approximately 6 months to complete, with weekly classes of 3 hours each. As a global leader in coaching certification training organizations, Coach Transformation Academy recommends that you choose ICF accredited coaching programs to complete your professional coaching certification course in order to become a certified coach.
Sometimes people want to become coaches, but due to their busy professional lives, they find it difficult to attend classroom coach training. We offer professionals the opportunity to become a professional coach even if they have busy life schedules. Coach Transformation Academy offers the opportunity to complete its coaching courses online and become a professional coach to successfully start a coaching career in Malaysia. Our online professional coaching certification course is full of coaching skills, coaching tools, and coaching techniques. CTA will award you with the prestigious designation of Senior Certified Professional Coach (SCPC) of Coach Transformation Academy, and you can submit our certificates and other required documents to ICF for your PCC credentialing.
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